Top 4 Myths about Bisexual Identity

Bisexuality is a real sexual identity—it is not just a stage. Sexual interests, sexual behavior, and sexual identity are different and are not always aligned in an individual.
Sexual interests, sexual behavior, and sexual identity are different and are not always aligned in an individual. Some people are not that sexual; others are always horny. Some people have a narrow range of sexual interests; others are ready to try anything. Some people have good impulse control; others jump at every opportunity. Some people are timid and cautious; others will try anything with anybody. Some people feel they must express their identity in a particular way, and this need is so important that suicide seems the only alternative.
Bisexuality is a real sexual identity—it is not just a stage. A bisexual is one who is sexually, emotionally and romantically interested in other men and women. He/She may have a stronger desire toward one gender or the other, but understands his/her identity could go either way and feels affirmative about it.
#1 Myth about Bisexual Identity: Sexual and Romantic Interest in Both genders Equally
It is often believed that all bisexuals are equally interested in men and women with the same level of intensity. This is not true. Bisexuals enjoy sex with both men and women. Some prefer one gender over the other. Some men may be attracted sexually and emotionally to women and only sexually attracted to men without any interest in romance or emotional connection to a man. Some women are mostly attracted sexually and emotionally to the same sex but sometimes enjoy sex and romance with the opposite sex. Every bisexual is different.
#2 Myth about Bisexual Identity: It is just a stage and they can’t make up their minds
Many individuals coming out gay and lesbian use bisexuality as a stage of coming out. They are not doing it intentionally as they see themselves as bisexual not recognizing that they are truly gay. During their coming out process they realize they are either gay or lesbian and not bisexual.
Bisexual identity persists for those who are truly bisexual and is their true foundation as their sexual and romantic orientation.
#3 Myth about Bisexual Identity: They Can’t Commit
This is not only false it is unfair! Bisexuals absolutely can and do commit to one person if they choose. This is like saying that a man who is attracted to blondes and brunettes and marries a blonde will cheat on her with a brunette. We understand he can commit even though he has other sexual interests. The same is true for bisexuals.
#4 Myth about Bisexual Identity: If you have sex with both genders you are bisexual.
Many heterosexual people have one or more sexual experiences with the same gender at some point in their lives. Other straight individuals have some gay and lesbian fantasies with primarily heterosexual fantasies and behaviors. None of these things makes someone gay, lesbian or even bisexual. Bisexuals do have these fantasies and experiences but just because someone has them isn’t enough to identify as bisexual.